Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Take Me Away

Take me away
To a dance floor,
To a simpler world...
Take me with you.

Take me away
One night at a time,
One waltz at a time...
Take me with you.

Take me away
One step at a time,
Down the dance floor...
Take me with you.

Take me away
In your arms
As we glide across the floor...
Take me with your touch.

Take me away
With each step,
With each turn...
Take me with your passion.

Take me away
With the music
That fills each of us...
Take me with your joy.

Take me away
With your deep pools,
Those unfathomable pools of green...
Take me with your eyes.

Take me away
To a simpler world,
One without so many questions...
Take me to a world with you.

Take me away
With each measure,
With each beat...
Take my whole heart.

Take me away,
Never to return
To a time before you,
Only to a world completely new...

Take me away—
Take me with you.

Saturday, June 06, 2009


One step is taken,
One step after another,
We, ourselves, in the Other.

This journey is not short,
Nor is it endless.
This journey depends on—
It depends on love.

His face is ever before us—
Before us He stands.
His face shines in the Other,
In the Other with outstretched hands.

This road is not easy—
Ease is not its reason.
This road depends on—
It depends on love.

Love is rarely easy—
It requires hope...
It requires faith...

It requires a ready model...
It requires a heart completely stretched...
It requires a heart poured out in love.